Monday, December 21, 2009

Shaking it up in 2010!

I did not set one food in the gym today. It was my plan to do so (but-I hate that this word is in my vocabulary). I refuse to given an excuse so I will just end it there. Tomorrow is weight lifting.

Looking forward to January:Today I was thinking about my workout plan for January. I want to shake-it-up really good. My plan is to add more Pilates and swimming classes to work the core. Running will also be part of my routine next month. I signed up for a 16 week Fencing class at the local community college that starts the first week of February. I have never taken a Fencing class but it looks challenging. Benefits of fencing include: increase stamina, reduce stress, tones and defines the body, helps develop muscles, improves flexibility and coordination. It sounds like the perfect class.

Question of the day: Are you going to shake-up your workout routine next year?

Have a wonderful day!


  1. I need a LOT LOT of shaking up next year.
    My rut has gotten kind of comfy :)
    one word: YOGA.

    one more word: LOTS :)

  2. OOh I have always wanted to learn how to fence. I was offered lessons when i was 24 but I worried I would be too fat to fit in the gear. It's one of my must dos when I am thinner. I look forward to hearing about your new regimes.

  3. Fencing class sounds like so much fun!!

    I want to add some new fun stuff next year, but I'm still trying to figure it out.

  4. Thanks so much for your encouragement on my blog. You are right things shouldn't be put off for tomorrow. I admire your determination to do the things you did. I should add fencing as a must try in 2010.

  5. I love coming over and reading your blog because it is always so inspiring and motivating!! Yes in 2010 I plan on working out at least one hour every day. I would like to join the gym at work so I can go on my lunch schedule. I'll have to see if this can be worked out.
